This evening, VMware announced a new community award called VMware vExpert!
“The VMware vExpert Awards will be given to individuals who have significantly contributed to the overall community of VMware users over the past year, either online or offline. You might be contributing online to blogs, forums, wikis, or other online sites. You might be organizing VMUG meetings or otherwise getting the word out to local IT professionals. You’re helping spread the word about virtualization and making people successful in deploying this game-changing technology. We want to thank you.”
Although VMware doesn’t prefer the comparison to be made, the program is somewhat similar to the Microsoft MVP program in that it is annually renewable, provides access to exclusive VMware content, and above all provides recognition among peers for hard work.
The nomination form is available. Go ahead and nominate yourself or someone you know who has dedicated much of their time helping VMware become successful.
Nominate someone today!
If by chance you are interested in nominating me,
my email address is
my VMware communities username is jasonboche.
You got one vote from me, please keep up the good work you are providing the Vmware community.