Microsoft clothing line launched

December 9th, 2008 by jason Leave a reply »

In case you don’t have enough technology shirts or you are not projecting your geekness as much as humanly possible onto others, Microsoft is here to save the day with the launching of their new clothing line Softwear.  In a nutshell, mid-80’s style t-shirts reflecting Microsoft technology accomplishments reminiscent of the era in addition to other icons from the same era.  Thankfully, for fashion’s sake, there wasn’t a whole lot going on in 1985 compared to today so there are only a few selections to choose from (including the classic Bill Gates police mugshot).  I’m not sure where exactly Microsoft is going with this but if it garners any success, expect more of it.


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  1. I love the ascii art look and feel to the site. Pretty nice design overall.

  2. jason says:

    Mike, I think they paid a college student 5 bucks for it. 😀