Horray! We’re mobile device friendly

March 9th, 2009 by jason Leave a reply »

I received the feedback that the blog was not easily readable on mobile/handheld devices (Blackberry, iPhone, etc.)  Taking the suggestion from a few friends to install the MobilePress plugin for WordPress, the blog was mobile friendly within five minutes. While I had always “dealt” with the blog’s rendering on my own Blackberry, I hadn’t realized it could be improved (with so much ease).  I like it much better now as a lot of the “noise” has been removed. Thank you for the suggestions and feedback! Update:  The MobilePress plugin has been disabled for the time being due to a bug.


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  1. Vladan says:

    Really great plugin! Thanks Jason for this one. And easy setup… Even if I dont have a mobile device to actually check if it’s working, I’m gona ask one of my collegues at work tomorrow if it’s working…

    I installed the plugin, temporarily enabled chmod 777 on wp-content to be able to clear the cache, and check the “Plugin will enter “Half-On” mode” option. That’s it.

    The infos I’m finding on this blog is really solid rock. Keep writing Jason.